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Our Governors

The Giles Nursery and Infants' Governing Body


Mrs Kate Long - Chair of Governors

Roles: Chair of Complaints and Staff Grievance Panel, Link Governor for Health and Safety, Premises, Attendance, Disciplinary, Looked After Children, HR and Asessment. Mentor for new governors

Co-opted Governor, appointed 17/10/2023. Term ends 17/10/2027

Attendance 2023-24: 100%

Interests on Register of Governors' Interests 2023-24: None.

Mrs Badrum Khanom - Vice Chair of Governors

Roles: Chair of Curriculum Committee, Governor Development Co-ordinator, Link Governor for English, History and RE.

LEA Governor, appointed 17/10/2023. Term ends 17/10/2027

Attendance 2023-24: 20%

Interests on Register of Governors' Interests 2023-24: None

Mrs Victoria Aldwinckle

Roles: Link Governor for Equalities and Inclusion, Pupil Premium, COVID recovery, Music and Representation

Parent Governor, appointed 17/10/2023. Term ends 17/10/2027

Attendance 2023-24: 60%

Interests on Register of Governors' Interests 2023-24: None

Mrs Katherine Delaney

Roles: Link Governor for PTA and PSHCE

Parent Governor, appointed 17/10/2023. Term ends 17/10/2027

Attendance 2023-24: 60%

Interests on Register of Governors' Interests 2023-24: None

Mr Hugh Dorey

Roles: Chair of Appeals Panel, Link Governor for School Council, Computing and Geography

Co-opted Governor, appointed 6/12/2022. Term ends 5/12/2026
Attendance 2023-24: 80%

Interests on Register of Governors' Interests 2023-24: None.

Miss Lisa Hill

Roles: Link Governor for Pupil Premium, Assessment and Art
Staff Governor, appointed on 07/12/2022. Term ends 06/12/2026
Attendance 2023-24: 80%

Interests on Register of Governors' Interests 2023-24: Member of staff

Mrs Emma McPartland

Roles: Link Governor for Child Protection and Safeguarding, SEND and Early Years

Co-opted Governor, appointed 17/10/2023. Term ends 17/10/2027

Attendance 2023-24: 100%

Interests on Register of Governors' Interests 2023-24: None

Mrs Rouane Mendel

Governor (Head Teacher), appointed 01/09/2011

Attendance 2023-24: 100%

Interests on Register of Governors' Interests 2023-24: Headteacher of school 

Professor Nick Rogers

Roles: Chair of Finance Committee, Link Governor for Design and Technology, Mathematics and Science

Co-opted Governor, appointed 23/10/2022. Term ends 21/10/2026

Attendance 2023-24: 80%.

Interests on Register of Governors' Interests 2023-24: None

Mrs Julie Smith

Associate Governor, appointed 17/10/2023. Term ends 17/10/2027

Attendance 2023-24: 100%

Interests on Register of Governors' Interests 2023-24: None

Clerk to the Governing Body - Miss Jo Hatcher

Instrument of Government

The name of the school is The Giles Nursery and Infants’ School. It is a community school. The name of the governing body is The Governing Body of The Giles Nursery and Infants’ School.

The governing body consists of:

  • 2 parent governors
  • 1 Local Authority governor
  • 1 staff governor
  • 1 Headteacher
  • 4 co-opted governors

The total number of governors is 9. 

The instrument of government, which came into effect on 23 December 2016, was made by order of Hertfordshire County Council on 23 December 2016. A copy of the instrument is supplied to every member of the governing body.


The Chair of the Governing Body is Mrs Kate Long. 

The Governing Body has two committees:

  • Curriculum Committee - Chair: Mrs Badrun Khanom
  • Finance Committee - Chair: Professor Nick Rogers

There are also three panels: Appeals, Complaints and Staff Grievance and Headteacher’s Performance Management.

Core Purpose

The Governing Body three core functions and is responsible for:

  • developing the strategic direction of the school - values, mission and vision
  • being a Critical Friend - supporting the Head Teacher to raise standards of achievement and monitoring and evaluating school improvement
  • ensuring Accountability - value for money, ensuring effective and appropriate systems of financial and management controls and achieving agreed aims and objectives

Governors' Register of Interests

Interests included in the Register of Governors' Interests are also given under each governor’s term of office above.

Governing Body Attendance

Annual attendance at full Governor Body meetings is also given under each governor’s term of office above.