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Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)

Our SENCo/INCo team

Our Special Needs Co-ordinator is Mrs C. Ballard and our Family Support Worker is Miss V Stanton. Our Governor with responsibility for SEND is Mrs B Khanom.

If you have something you would like to discuss with our specialist INCo/SENCo team, do drop by for coffee at one of our regular drop-in sessions held at the start of the school day at least once each half-term. If you would like an appointment to see one of the team, please contact our school office on 01438-359747.


Representative parents and schools in Hertfordshire have worked together to produce a template that schools can use to set out their ‘offer’ in respect of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). This is based on key questions that parents and carers have said they would find helpful. In the report below you will find answers to the questions that parents have asked. The report will give you a clear and detailed picture about facilities for supporting pupils with SEND and their families that we offer at The Giles Nursery and Infants’ School.

SEND Documents

Useful Websites

Below you find links to two useful websites: the Stevenage Developing Specialist Provision Locally (DSPL) which has a useful parents’ section which shows all the courses running locally and Hertsdirect which provides key information for all parents with children with SEND in Hertfordshire.