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School Council

Our School Council represents the views of all our pupils. It gives children the opportunity to make their voices heard and feel part of the whole school community.

The Giles Nursery and Infants’ School Council was set up in 2011. Since then the School Council has introduced paper recycling to all classrooms in the school. Each class also has two Eco Warriors whose role it is to follow the School Eco Code; making sure lights are turned off, taps are not dripping and waste paper is placed in the recycling box.  in 2012 the School Council worked together with the School Eco Committee to raise funds and set up a bio-diversity area behind the Nursery. This is used to teach the children about nature in a more practical way. They all worked extremely hard and achieved both the bronze and silver Eco Awards. This year the School Council hopes to further improve the school environment and will be setting up a new project in the weeks to come.

School Council Update 2023-2024

The school council meet at least once a half term. They discuss what they would like to change within the school and are getting involved in a number of projects. More information can be found on our meeting minutes. Thank you!

If you are the parent of a school council member and would like to see the school council assembly video please speak to Mrs Humphrey.

School Council Assembly 2023

School Council Assembly October 2021

The School Council decided on the winner for the 'Create a Plant' competition to represent The Giles Nursery and Infants' School. Each pupil in the school created a flower using only 4 pieces of paper and a pair of scissors.

School Council Minutes 

The Giles Nursery and Infants’ School

School Council Meeting 11.03.22 Minutes

Present: Ayana, Mia, Amelia, Zoe, Henry, Jaxson and Mrs Humphrey. Apologies for absence: Theo, Kaden, Isabella.

  1. Mrs. Humphrey asked if the children had any concerns or anything to feedback from their classes.

Amelia  – Walker Bears have come up with the idea that we could use the milk bottles to make bird boxes or bird feeders.

Ayana – My class would like playtimes with other year groups. Some of my friends are in Reception and we want to play together.

We had a discussion on how this could be difficult at the moment because of the pandemic but we could hopefully look into this in the future.

  1. Green Network meeting – Mrs. Humphrey gave the children feedback on the meeting including ideas for future projects. Mrs. Humphrey asked the children which projects they would be interested in.

Jaxson – Litter picking and recycling bins.

Mrs. Humphrey - where in the school do we need more recycling bins?

Zoe – In the hall, especially for lunch time and some more in each classroom.

Mia – In the hall and classrooms, especially for wrappers from packed lunches.

Ayana – outside owl classes on the playground.

Jaxson – Playground. We would need litter pickers to do litter picking as well. My mum got me one.

Mrs. Humphrey - what type of recycling bins do we need?

Henry – plastic, Zoe – paper, Ayana – cardboard, Jaxson – glass, food waste.

Mrs. Humphrey – What else could we do to help protect the environment?

Year 2 – plant some more plants.

Year 1 – make bird feeders for the woodland area.

  1. We recapped the minutes from last meeting. Mrs. Humphrey let the children know how pleased Mrs. Mendel was with their ideas. We have arranged to meet with Mrs. Mendel.
  2. Next meeting:  Thursday 24th March 2022


The Giles Nursery and Infants’ School

School Council Meeting 21.01.22 Minutes

Present: Theo, Kaden, Isabella, Mia, Amelia, Zoe, Henry, Jaxson and Mrs Humphrey. Apologies for absence: Ayana was not in school.

  1. Introductions: Members of the School Council introduced themselves and said which class they represent. They enjoyed telling us something about their class.

Mrs. Humphrey asked if the children had any concerns or worries:

Jaxson – Slippery playground. Please can we put more salt down to melt the ice.

Mrs. Humphrey apologised for the delay in having the meeting.

  1. Photos: The school councilor’s photographs are displayed on the School Council display board.
  2. School Council work:
  • Previously a questionnaire showed that children would like the dining room to be quieter. We discussed the actions we could take to achieve this.

Jaxson – More adults to keep everyone quiet.

Zoe – quiet music, prizes.

Henry – stickers for the quietest children, extra golden time as a reward.

Mia – marble, tokens in jar. Winning class to receive extra playtime, cookies or a dance workshop.

Isabella – A theatre production for the winning class.

Amelia – More space to eat.

Action: Put forward these suggestions to Mrs. Mendel.

  • Mrs. Mendel asked us to discuss how we could recycle the milk bottles from snack time.

Jaxson – use them for Art and Design projects.

Zoe - use them to plant flowers or herbs.

Action: Ask the rest of the school for further suggestions.

MP Visits New School Council

Eco Area and Plants