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Food and Drink

School Dinners

School dinners are provided by Hertfordshire Catering Ltd (HCL). and cooked on the school premises.  All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal.

The children are provided with a menu to choose from each day.  We currently use HCL's Pupil's Choice Menu.

A copy of the latest menu is provided below.  Please see the school office if you would like a paper copy of the latest menu.

Children may also bring a packed lunch from home if they prefer. 

Please note that we are a nut-free school.  

Also below you will find a link to Carbohydrate Count Menus with portion weights and without portion weights.  These run alongside our current school lunch menu.

Food Allergies or Intolerances

HCL has a rigorous process in place to provide a safe meal service to pupils with food allergies or intolerances.  If your child has an allergy or intolerance and meets HCL's criteria you will need to create an on-line account via the special menu page of HCL's website (see link below).  To apply you will need  to provide your child's school details, medical evidence and an electronic passport style photograph.

Pupil Choice Menu and Carbohydrate Count Menus


School milk is available to children in infant classes. Nursery  and some Reception children receive free milk, but this changes once a child approaches their fifth birthday. If your child's fifth birthday falls during the term, they are treated as five years of age for the entire term will therefore not qualify for free milk. 

We are now using Cool Milk for milk from 17th April 2023.  Please see the letter below for more information on how to sign up.

How to order milk from Cool Milk


There is water available throughout the school day in each classroom and the children are encouraged to drink regularly. Some children prefer to bring their own water in a named plastic bottle and these are kept in the child's classroom and are easily accessible throughout the day.