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At The Giles Nursery and Infants’ School, we greatly value our relationship with the parents and carers of our pupils. We work together in partnership right from when a child joins our school through to when they leave. Parents and carers are often seen in school helping children in a variety of ways and we offer them the opportunity to learn more about how they can help their child learn at home through our curriculum talks and workshops.

We are proud to have a lively and active Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA) called FROG (Friends and Relatives of Giles) which is made up of enthusiastic parents and staff who run a number of much-needed fund-raising events for our school. Events are run throughout the year, including coffee mornings, regular Bake Sales, Summer and Christmas fairs and our ever-popular, adults-only Quiz Night. The PTA also runs a lovely Easter Stay-And-Play session that gives parents and carers and their children the opportunity to stay after school and play together.

New members are always welcome.  For more details, please enquire at the school office or contact the PTA direct via their Facebook page, Giles Nursery and Infants PTA, where information, news and updates are regularly posted.  We look forward to seeing you soon!